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News Review – 29 Mar 10

DSi XLGood Monday Netizens. My first news review will be of the new DSi XL and the fact that it has only been out for a few days and is already getting bad press. The Tech Herald reports of complaints that Nintendo forgot about something. What happens to the DSIWare that people have already downloaded?
What is that?  you don’t know what the DSi XL is? Oh, well it is the latest version of the DS handheld. It is nearly twice the size of the original DS Light. 2x 4.2-inch screens. It also comes pre-loaded with software and thinking games.
But anyway, I guess Nintendo overlooked this slight detail but are looking into it. Nintendo gets the DingDong award from me on this one. NEXT!!!

Playstation 3

No more Linux

Linux users that own a PS3 beware!!!. Or should I say PS3 players that use Linux beware? Either way, TGDaily reports that Sony will be removing linux support with it’s latest Firmware upgrade (v 3.21). Sony says “Security Concerns”, REALLY??? Linux was a security hole in your gaming console? Maybe if it was a 2.4.x kernel with no maintenance to any of the software or firewall. What ever. Good news is that the Firmware isn’t manditory. Bad news, get this, you will not be able to “sign in to PlayStation Network and use associated features such as online aspects of PS3 games and chat. Players will also not be able to play back PS3 software titles or Blu-ray videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later.Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server will also go, as will new features introduced with PS3 system software 3.21 or later.” (Emma Woollacott – TG Daily) What a crock. It sounds like a Microsoft stunt to me.

Hollywood and 3DNow for the creamer on the old espresso. Hollywood has had another brainiac idea. People are actually going out to see more movies now that they are using a pretty outstanding technology (old but is a million times better since they got rid of the blue and red glasses). Yes I am speaking of 3D. (I wish you could have heard that in my head… it was pretty cool) But this idea is to increase the amount it takes to view these cool movies. Usually this wouldn’t be a big deal, if it started with the first one. Techdirt, usually an anti-RIAA or anti-MPAA site, is blaming this idea on greed. I don’t know. I guess that if it costs more money to create the film it would make sense but movie prices have been going up for years. Now, for me to take my family to the movies, I have to take out over $100 to pay for the movie and snacks. You decide.

For the full articles click on the site names and read it for yourself. You have just had your Cup of Joe from… The Coffee Shtop 

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